Sunday, February 5, 2017

First Sunday Lecture: A Brief History of the Temperance and Prohibition Movements in Cobb County and Vicinity

Today local historian Dr. William P. Marchione, Ph.D. presented a slide show and lecture on the history of Temperance and Prohibition in the Cobb County area. Georgia was the very first state to embrace prohibition in the 20th century, doing so in 1908 a decade ahead of the 18th amendment; and Cobb County strongly supported the initiative. 

This lecture examined the interplay of cultural, economic, religious, and political forces that made the anti-liquor crusade the most sustained controversy in the area's political history. Dr. Marchione also discussed bootlegging and speakeasy operations in the area. This is a topic that has been largely neglected by Cobb County historians. Additionally, he offered possible explanations as to why this topic has received such scant attention.

The First Sunday Lecture series is sponsored by the Friends of Smyrna Library and Smyrna Library.

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