Monday, April 29, 2024

Upcoming Adult Grieving Workshop by Lee Pratt

Please join us on Tuesday, May 7 at 10 am at the Smyrna Arboretum Gazebo for "Grief Brief: Nature & Grieving".  


Lee Pratt will offer her nature-based GPS: Grief Processing Support, outside Smyrna Library on May 7. Participants will practice skills to process grief, outdoors. Please wear comfortable shoes and bring a beach towel to sit on. Some chairs will be available.

Speaker Bio: 

Lee Pratt is a Grief Guide who specializes in connecting grieving people to each other and back to nature. She has traveled and lived on five continents, working in the fields of Education, Sustainability, and Senior Care. Lee's goal is to build community-based grief care with a focus on healing in nature.

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